Disk Drill on Windows 10

Depending on the version of Windows OS you are running, one of the following instructions will let you quickly remove Disk Drill for Windows. We surely regret seeing you go, we’ll hope you just decided to transfer your copy of Disk Drill to another computer.

Uninstallation from the Start menu

You can uninstall Disk Drill for Windows right from the Start menu. To accomplish this, go to “Start / All apps” and locate “CleverFiles Disk Drill / Disk Drill”. Right-click it and choose Uninstall from the dark drop-down menu that you see. The Programs and Features window (from the Control Panel) will open and you will have to find the Disk Drill app again. Select it, and click Uninstall. A pop-up window asking if you’re sure you want to proceed with uninstallation of Disk Drill data recovery app will appear – click Yes. Follow a quick uninstallation wizard and you are all set.

Uninstallation from the Settings menu

If you can’t find Disk Drill in Start, you can also uninstall it via the Settings menu. Here’s how…

Open the Settings menu (“Start / Settings”) and go to “System”. Then click “Apps & features”. This is where you find a list of the apps and programs on your PC. Use the search box at the top of the screen to quickly find Disk Drill 2.x. Click it, this will show you the “Uninstall” button. That’s what we were looking for in this case. Click it and complete the uninstallation.

Uninstallation from the Control Panel

Finally, you may opt to uninstall Disk Drill from the Control Panel. To do this, right-click the Start button and click Control Panel. Go to “Programs and Features” (if your Control Panel is in Category view, go to “Uninstall a Program”). Find Disk Drill there, click it to select it, and then click Uninstall. You’ll see a confirmation pop-up window, click Yes to proceed.

.updated: June 3, 2021 author: CleverFiles Team